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Backgrounds: Vaccination is the primary prevention strategy which aims to prevent various vaccine-preventable
diseases and its complications. Although immunization practice had been centered on children in Korea,
recent epidemic of several vaccine-preventable diseases such as hepatitis A and novel influenza H1N1 made
people pay more attention on adult immunization since 2000.
Methods: This article reviews the general recommendations of adult immunization based on the recent report
from the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in 2011. New vaccines which have been introduced
or will be introduced are briefly reviewed.
Results: Following topics are included: 1) principles for vaccine scheduling, 2) spacing of vaccines and antibody-
containing products, 3) vaccination in altered immunocompetence, 4) vaccination in special situations, 5)
contraindications and precautions, and 6) preventing and managing adverse reactions. Brief information on
various influenza vaccines, adult pertussis vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, and zoster vaccine are reviewed
and provided.
Conclusions: Updated general recommendations and information on the new vaccines are intended for clinicians
and other health-care providers who vaccinate patients.
Korean J Health Promot 2012;12(1):1-12
Keywords: Vaccination, Immunization, Adult, Guidelines |